Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Off on a spirit quest.

Its that time of year again. Where I need to sort through some big decisions. Many of you know I have been working at getting to Chicago.. well, the plan that I have had in my head hasn't been executed quite like I thought it would. I recently had a long conversation with a mentor, and very close friend. I left the conversation with peace, and understanding about the future, and thought I was ready to make a decision. I was wrong.

I am currently at about 40% of my needed monthly support, and thought that I would make my official decision by September 24th, to go or not to go, depending on the level of my support. Yesterday, another option came my way. I have the opportunity to work part time to supplement the support that has not come in. I have no idea what to do now. I am taking the next three days to pray, and seek the Lord for His will in my decision. So today, I am leaving for the beach, to get away, without distraction.

You're prayers would be appreciated for the next 48 hours as I wait on the Lord for clarity.

1 comment:

Unknown said... started a blog...weeee...check me out...and I'm gonna check you out...(I was singing that if you were wondering)